Tuesday 15 December 2009

Zoe Lister : Hollyoaks Advent Calendar - 15th of December

Check out this little interview with Zoe for the Hollyoaks Advent Calendar...

Zoe Lister - AKA Zoe Carpenter

Favourite ever Christmas?
My favourite ever Christmas was probably one when I was much younger and we all stayed at my auntie and uncle's house and they had a big lucky dip they'd made and we got to have a lucky dip every day. It was so exciting!

Worst ever Christmas?
Might have actually been last year, which sounds a bit crap, but it was the first Christmas without my grandparents so it was a bit sad.

Favourite present?
Probably a doll's house. Brilliant.

Worst present?
I think I got given this really old bible once. It was probably from some grandparents!

Turkey or goose?

Mince pies or Christmas pudding?
Mince pies, which have 235 calories per pie as I found out in Tescos last night!

Family Christmas or Christmas with a partner?

Home Christmas or holiday Christmas?

What one present are you hoping for this Christmas?
A Marc Jacob handbag, but I don't think it's gonna happen!

What's your favourite part about Christmas?
The togetherness and the build up.

Any New Year plans?
I have, actually. I'm going to be in Sydney watching the fireworks on a boat! Come on! My boyfriend and his family are gonna be there too, so I can't wait.


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