Tuesday 15 September 2009

Hollyoaks Later in pictures!(contains spoilers)

Ok so here is some pictures of Zoe Sarah and Lydia. For Zorah fans its not good news at all...not at all...

Sarah and Zoe head off for some extreme adventures. But Lydia their excitement is cut short when Lydia turns up unannounced.

She's convinced something is going on between Zoe and Sarah and wants to get to the bottom of it. Her arrival goes down like a lead balloon and there have already been nasty words exchange between all of them.

Perhaps a parachute jump will help the girls bond?

The previous day Sarah had tried to get amorous with Zoe, but Zoe rebuffed her, furious that she can't accept they're just friends.

After an argument the pair make up and realise it's made their friendship stronger than ever - much to Lydia's annoyance.(why hollyoaks, why?)

Zoe's looking nervous, but Sarah gives her some reassurance.

Zoe has every reason to be bricking it.

Lydia, in a jealous fit has decided to cut the chord on her parachute and kill herself. But the bags get mixed up and now she doesn't know who is wearing the tampered bag.

One of these ladies is not going to survive the jump.

Will it be Zoe?

Off she goes

Will it be Sarah?

Watch Hollyoaks Later to find out! Starts on the 28th of September on E4.

Oh and can I just add I cannot believe Hollyoaks..after all this time Sarah tries it on with Zoe just to be turned down and then one dies? Yeah thanks very much Hollyoaks.


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